Welcome to the Resource Library! This is where you can find the templates and patterns used in my various tutorials. All projects are listed in alphabetical order.
Unless otherwise noted on the pattern/template itself, all patterns are full sized and do not need to be resized to achieve the same size as the one seen in its respective tutorial. In most cases you can open the image in just about any image editing program and print. I know for sure this works in both Photoshop and MS Paint.
When you find the project you’re looking for, simply click on the image of the template you need, and a full size version will pop up in another tab. Save from there and get crafting! The titles of the projects can also be clicked and will lead to their respective tutorials.
Please note that all patterns and templates in this Resource Library are for personal use only. For more information, please see the site’s Terms of Use.
How to Make a Circle Template Pom Pom

How to Make a Rectangle Template Pom Pom

Pastel Rainbow Felt Banner

Ripped Paper Silhouette Art